Creating a Social Story

A new baby, a move to a new house, the start of a new school year, or attending a birthday party. Milestone events and life changes may be exciting for many, but for some children and adults with developmental disabilities these events can be incredibly stressful. If your child has difficulty navigating new experiences, preparing in advance with a social story may help to alleviate some of their stress and anxiety.

Social stories are brief, visual explanations that detail what you might expect to happen during an upcoming life event. They can be helpful when your child needs a little extra preparation for a new activity or a known change to their regular routine. In addition to reviewing individual parts of the upcoming experience, social stories list appropriate behaviors so that a child knows not only what to expect, but what is expected of them!

Finding Social Stories

Social stories for many common situations and experiences exist online in a variety of parenting forums. To find a story that matches that event or milestone your family is preparing for, check out some of the following resources.

  • From ABA Educational Resources, this page includes a collection of social stories related to topics including safety, setting boundaries, self-care, and traveling. Many of the stories are written in a way that makes them customizable for your child’s unique circumstances.

Creating and Personalizing Your Social Story

Writing a social story from scratch may seem intimidating. Whether you choose to create your own story or customize an existing story, the following resources can help you navigate the social story development process.

Additional Social Story Resources

Social Story resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Since early 2020 new social norms have entered our daily lives. Even as things like mask wearing, learning at home, and social distancing have become common place, the transition to these new norms has and may continue to be difficult for some. These social story resources may help you and your child navigate some common pandemic challenges.

Contributed by: Theresa Maier, Red Treehouse Ambassador, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio, Inc.


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